Winton welcomes Kreskas Bros Transport

True friends are those that standby you when things are going well, and when things are at times a struggle.That pretty much describes 2020 so far for all Victorians.Through the bushfires in January and February to the dreaded Covid disease that hit us all in March, its been a roller coaster journey throughout.Its comforting to know, that whilst the Greater Melbourne area is in lockdown you can still have friends to rely upon.Winton Raceway is not in lockdown, but the majority of our fantastic track users and customers are, and we look forward to them when they can come back to our ever improving facility.Winton also relies on having friends, old and new.One of our new friends is the great business at Kreskas Bros Transport.Since 1968 when Arthur Kreskas began carrying fresh fruit and vegetables between Shepparton and the Footscray Wholesale Fruit & Vegetable market in Melbourne with a 1957 Dodge Tray truck, he has been committed to treating his customer’s business like his own.Today his sons Les and John continue Arthur’s legacy and with the co-operative efforts of all employees continue to provide the best possible service to their clients. Providing consistent service at the highest level and with the latest in equipment and innovation, Kreskas Bros has become the leading carrier of import and export shipping containers between the Goulburn Valley and the Port of Melbourne. The Head Office in Lemnos just east of Shepparton houses a truck yard, container yard, modern workshop, administration and operations building as well as machine shop.Next time you are at Winton Raceway, you’ll no doubt be able to see their billboard at the entry of Turn 4.Be sure to support those that support us.


Regional Test and Tune August the 1st!


October 2020 Winton Venue Covid Action Plan