Winton Raceway update 18th March 2020
As of 5:00pm March 18th this is the latest that we can offer from Winton Motor Raceway in regards to the Governments latest release.There has been some significant changes over the last 24 hours as to what is, and is no longer on.This morning Supercars made an announcement through their web page where it has been nominated that the Truck Assist Winton Super400 will be the return round of the Supercar season from June 5 - 7. is no doubt exciting news and one that we welcome. We will of course, remain vigilant and maintain our commitment to the health and safety of all the patrons and competitors that attend our circuit.Sadly, the Historics Winton event over the last four days of May has been cancelled. This is a regrettable, but totally understandable position that the organisers have had to make. They are a tireless group of volunteers who are genuinely distressed about this decision. Staff at Winton Raceway wish them all the best for the rest of 2020 and can't wait to work with them again in 2021.Lastly, after the Prime Ministers announcement about the reduction of a mass gathering, it is clear that this will not in any way impact on our regular Test and Tunes. As a result, with the cancellation of the Vic State Championships, the 28th of March is now available as a Test Tune and Timing.Be sure to book online as there has been a lot of early interest in the upcoming Test and Tunes.Upcoming eventsTest and Tune / OLT March 20Test, Tune and Timing March 21stTest and Tune March 27thTest, Tune and Timing March 28th