Winton Cruise "N" Shine Track Day April 8th
Winton Cruise “N” Shine Track Day.Sunday 8th April 9am – 4pmWinton Motor Raceway will be holding a day for all makes and models of car on Sunday April the 8th, with track action to see what your car can do and cruise laps for car enthusiasts to have a leisurely drive on the circuit along with a show and shine.TRACK ACTIVITYThe track sessions will consist of 2 groups ONLY, road registered cars and caged race cars, each group will get 5 x 18-minute sessions for the day and both Driver and passenger MUST wear correct attire (AS1698 Helmet, Long pants, long sleeves and closed shoes with socks, no nylon).ALL Drivers must have a valid drivers license (NO L Platers).The cost for these groups is $160 per car, a second driver can also sign on for $60, entry will be via our website and available very soon, second driver must sign up and pay on the day.Single passengers will be allowed throughout the day in both groups, passengers charge is $30 for the day and must sign on and pay on the day.Track Day enter HERECRUISE & SHINEThe Cruise “N” Shine entrants will be able to nominate the category they would like to enter their vehicle in for the Show & Shine and they will also get 3 cruise sessions on the circuit behind the safety car, entry cost for the Cruise N Shine will be $40 per car, passengers are allowed at no charge. No helmets required.Show & ShineThe Cruise & Shine will consist of 8 categories, but entrants can only choose 1 they would like to enter in, the categories will be: Best Holden, Best Ford, Best American Vehicle, Best Chrysler, Best Ute, Best European, Best Japanese, Best Rod and Best Paint.There will also be the “Best on Show” that all entrants are eligible for.Cruise & Shine Enter HEREShow & Shine entrant ONLY will cost $20 please enter HEREThere will be NO gate charge on the day for spectators and family members so why not make a day of it, bring your pride and joy and the family to Winton Raceway for the Winton Raceway Cruise N Shine.Café will be open all day.